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Many individuals who find themselves in a difficult financial situation with a large amount of debt, may be able to benefit and improve their situation, by filing for personal bankruptcy. This article is loaded with tips on filing for personal bankruptcy and will help you decide whether or not filing for bankruptcy is the right thing for you to do.

If you are planning to file for bankruptcy in the near future, don’t charge up your credit cards thinking that you won’t have to pay back the debt. In many states, there are rules about how much credit card debt and what kind, may be discharged in a bankruptcy. For instance, if you make purchases for luxury items, such as an expensive new TV, within 6 months prior to filing, you may be obligated to pay that amount back. On the other hand, if you used your credit card to purchase groceries, or other necessities, the rules may be different. Be sure to ask your attorney for advice.

If you are planning to file for bankruptcy, you do not need to lose your home, car or other items that you have loans for. If you wish to keep them, however, you must make the payments on a timely basis in order to avoid repossession. If the payments are too much to handle, your bankruptcy attorney may be able to arrange for an evaluation of your loan and negotiate a lower monthly payment. In the case of a home, you may look into a loan modification or refinance to reduce your payment amount.

After your bankruptcy is finalized, you should begin re-building your credit by, obtaining copies of your credit reports. Your reports may show that you filed for bankruptcy, but it can take a lot of time for the credit bureaus to remove the original debt from your credit history. Check your reports over thoroughly, if there is debt showing that was discharged in a bankruptcy, you can contact the credit bureaus online, or in writing and request that the information be deleted.


You should look into and understand which debts are eligible to be written-off under bankruptcy. There are certain loans, such as student loans, that do not qualify. By understanding which debts you can write-off, you can make a better decision when trying to figure out if bankruptcy is the right choice for you.

When you do file for bankruptcy, make sure you know your rights. Collectors may try to convince you that your debt can’t be discharged. There are few debts that can’t be discharged. Should you face a creditor like this, and you are informed that the debt is not valid under the bankruptcy. These types of infractions should be reported.

Research as much as you can about bankruptcy to increase your chances for successful filing. If you know the laws and regulations, you can avoid courts dismissing your case or attaching penalties. Use the internet and ask consultants for as much advice as possible. You can also use your local library to gain information.

There are some debts that a bankruptcy will not eliminate. Certain classes of debt, including taxes, child support, and student loans, are not eligible for bankruptcy. If your debt is primarily made up of these types of debt, loan consolidation may be a better option than bankruptcy.

You should understand all that filing for personal bankruptcy implies before you consider this option. You should consider the type of debt that has caused you to consider filing. There are many debts that filing for bankruptcy will help eliminate, but there others that will remain such as student loans and funds that are owed to the IRS.

If you have had your car repossessed, consider filing for bankruptcy within 90 days. Your lawyer will have to submit paperwork for the court to order your car returned to you. Time is of the essence; your creditor can choose to resell the vehicle, don’ forget. Think about filing as soon as you can.

Filing for personal bankruptcy is a major life decision. Hopefully, armed with the knowledge you have learned from this article, you now know whether or not filing for bankruptcy is the right thing for you to do. Re-read this article several times to learn everything about bankruptcy, and you should be able to improve your financial situation.


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